Advanced Scientific Calculator


Calculator Use

This is a simple calculator with memory functions similar to a small handheld calculator. Use this basic calculator online for math with addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

The calculator includes functions for square root, percentage, pi, exponents, powers and rounding. How to do repeating operations, higher powers and roots, memory and clear functions for this standard calculator are explained below.

Control the calculator using a mouse, keyboard or number pad, or by touch if supported by your device.

What Are the Functions on the Calculator?

  • ÷   Division
  • ×   Multiplication
  • +   Addition
  • −   Subtraction
  • =   Calculate
  • +/-   Plus/minus toggles the pos/neg sign of the displayed number
  • mc   Memory clear
  • mr   Memory recall
  • m-   Memory minus
  • m+   Memory plus
  • CE   Clear entry
  • AC   All clear
  • √x   Square root
  • %   Percentage
  • π   pi = 3.1415926536
  • xy   Exponent
  • R2   Round to 2 decimals (cents)
  • R0   Round to 0 decimals (dollars)
  • Use your delete/backspace key to delete one character at a time from the right
    1. Using a keyboard, backspace with the delete button
    2. Using a touchscreen, on a phone or tablet, tap into the display then use the virtual keyboard delete button
  • To copy, highlight the results in the display window and copy to your clipboard

How to Use Basic Calculator Operations

Browse example calculations using the Basic Calculator. Follow the steps to input numbers and symbols and perform calculations with operator buttons. Examples show you how to do simple math as well as how to do percentages on a calculator. You can also learn how to do present value and future value on a calculator.

Addition and Subtraction
Calculation Steps
3 + 5 = 8 3 + 5 =
7 - 9 = -2 7 9 =
3 + (-5) = -2 3 + 5 +/− =
(-7) - 9 = -16 7 +/− 9 =
7.3 + 12.25 - 10.75 = 8.8 7.3 + 12.25 10.75 =
Multiplication and Division
Calculation Steps
13 × 3 × 2 = 78 13 × 3 × 2 =
25 ÷ 2 = 12.5 25 ÷ 2 =
8.35 × 17.25 ÷ 10.16 = 814.176919291 8.35 × 17.25 ÷ 10. 16 =
Repeating Operations
Calculation Steps
3 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 18 3 + 5 = = =
3 + 3 + 3 = 9 3 + = =
7 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 = -5 7 3 = = = =
5 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 40 5 × 2 = = =
26 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 64 2 × = = = = =
2^2^2^2^2 = ((((22)2)2)2 = 65,536 2 xy 2 = = = =
For all of the above, if a second operand is not entered the first operand will be repeated.
Memory Button Actions
mc memory clear

mr memory recall

m- memory minus

m+ memory plus

clear memory to 0, will not affect display

display current memory value

subtract display value from memory value

add display value to memory value

Memory Functions
Calculation Steps
7 + 8 + 9 - 15 = 9 mc 7 m+ 8 m+ 9 m+ 15 m-

mr will display 9
15 + 25 = 40

plus π42 = 50.2654824576

plus 12 × 6 = 72

= 162.26548246
mc 15 + 25 = m+

4 xy 2 = × π = m+

12 × 6 = m+

mr will display 162.26548246
Roots, Exponents and Power Functions
Calculation Steps
√36 = 6 36 √x
62 = 36 6 xy 2 =


6 × =
65 = 7,776 6 xy 5 =


6 × = = = =
5√7,776 = 7,7761/5 = 6 mc 1 ÷ 5 = m+

7776 xy mr =
6-3 = 1/63 = 0.00462962963 6 xy 3 +/− =


6 xy 3 = ÷ = =
Order of Operations
Enter your calculation in the order to be executed given parentheses and PEMDAS priority
Calculation Steps
3 + 5 × 2 ÷ 4 = 4 3 + 5 × 2 ÷ 4 =
3 + ((5 × 2) ÷ 4) = 5.5 5 × 2 ÷ 4 + 3 =
Additional Operations
Calculation Steps
1/x reciprocal or multiplicitive inverse of x or, x-1
1/5 = 0.2 5 ÷ = =
A = πr2 area of a circle
radius r = 8

π × 8 × 8 =
V = (4/3)πr3 volume of a sphere
radius r = 10

V = (4/3)π103 = 4,188.7902048
10 xy 3 × 4 ÷ 3 × π =
PV = FV /(1+i)n present value (PV) of a future value (FV) at
interest rate (i) for a number of years (n)
PV = 10,000, i = 7.3%, n = 5

10,000 / (1 + 0.073)5 = 7,030.75
1 + 0.073 = (display is now 1.073)

÷ = = = == = × 10000= R2


1 + 0.073 = (display is now 1.073)

xy 5 = ÷ = = × 10000= R2
FV = PV(1+i)n future value (FV) of a present value (PV) at
interest rate (i) for a number of years (n)
FV = 10,000, i = 7.3%, n = 5

10,000(1 + 0.073)5 = 14,223.24
1 + 0.073 = (display is now 1.073)

× = = = = × 10000= R2


1 + 0.073 = (display is now 1.073)

xy 5 = × 10000= R2
Percentage Operations
Calculation Steps
12 plus 10% is ?

12 + (12 × 10%) = 13.2
12 + 10 %

(display is 10% of 12 = 1.2)

10 minus 10% is ?

10 - (10 × 10%) = 9
10 10 %

(display is 10% of 10 = 1)

10% of 15 is ?

15 × 10% = 1.5
15 × 10 %

(display is 10% in decimal = 0.1)

15 is 10% of ?

15 ÷ 10% = 150
15 ÷ 10 %

(display is 10% in decimal = 0.1)

Advanced Percentage Calculations
Calculation Steps
list price + sales tax = final price sales tax addition
list price = 35.25, tax percentage = 7.5%

35.25 + (35.25 × 0.075) = 37.89

35.25 + 2.64375 = 37.89
35.25 + 7.5 %

(display is tax dollar amount 2.64375)

= R2

(display is final price 37.89)
list price - discount = sale price discount subtraction
list price = 40, discount percentage = 25%

40.00 - (40.00 × 0.025) = 30.00

40.00 - 10.00 = 30.00

now add in tax of 7.5% ???
40 25 %

(display is discount dollar amount 10)

= R2

(display is sale price 30.00)

+ 7.5 % = R2

(display is final price 32.25)
Correcting Mistakes
Calculation Steps
3 + 5 = 8 3 + 7 CE 5 =
12 × 2 = 24 11 × 2 CE AC 12 × 2 =
7.329 + 4.755 = 12.084 7.329 + 4.766 backspace backspace 55 =
5 × 6 = 30 5 + × 6 =
15 + 10 = 25 15 + 10 +/− +/− =

More About Using the Calculator Memory

The calculator memory is at 0 until you hit m+ or m-. Each time you hit m+ the number on the display is added to the number in the calculator memory. Each time you hit m- the number on the display is subtracted from the number in the calculator memory. To recall the number in the calculator memory hit mr. To zero out the memory hit mc.

Use AC to clear out the current calculation. Use CE to clear out the most recent entry. Note that if the AC key is not visible, hit CE and then AC to clear out your calculation.

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